What is Human Factors Training?

Human factors training focuses on improving human performance and reducing errors in complex systems such as aviation, healthcare, and transportation. The goal is to help individuals understand how human behaviour, cognition, and communication impact system performance. This helps to provide them with the skills and tools needed to identify and mitigate potential errors and risks.

Human factors (HF) training typically covers topics such as situation awareness, communication skills, decision-making processes, stress management, and fatigue management.

It may also include case studies to help individuals understand how human factors impact performance in real-world situations.

Regulators like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) often require HF training. It is a critical part of safety management systems in many industries.

What Human Factors Training is Available?

There are various types of HF training available, including:

  • Degree and post-graduate programs offered by universities;
  • Certifications required by regulatory bodies like EASA Part 145; and.
  • Vocational or commercial courses.

University programs in Human Factors and Ergonomics provide a comprehensive understanding of human factors concepts, theories, and applications. Students may specialise in areas such as aviation, healthcare, and industrial human factors. Post-graduate training courses are designed for individuals who already have a degree in a related field, and want to specialise in human factors. They may be offered online or in-person, and typically cover topics such as safety culture, human error, and patient safety.

EASA Part 145 certifications are required by the European Aviation Safety Agency for aircraft maintenance personnel. They include human factors training to ensure that personnel are aware of the human factors issues that can affect safety in aircraft maintenance.

Therefore, the type of training or education that is appropriate for a particular individual will depend on their career goals and the requirements of their industry or job role.

At Liv Systems, we offer a range of courses (both in-person and via distance learning) designed to provide project managers and engineers with the knowledge and skills they need to create products and systems that are safe, efficient, easy to use, and enhance human performance.

Our courses, such as our Human Factors Practitioner courses, provide a comprehensive understanding of human factors engineering principles and their practical application in system design and development.

What is the Purpose of Human Factors Training?

Meeting the human factors requirements set by clients, stakeholders, and regulators can be a challenge. These requirements can be complex and difficult to understand, which can result in delays or the failure of a project. Training can help alleviate this by providing you with the knowledge and skills you will need to understand and meet these requirements.

How Can HF Training Help Me?

Limited knowledge of human factors issues can limit career growth and opportunities for engineers and designers. Product designers and developers must incorporate usability and safety into their designs. This is because clients are placing greater emphasis on the importance of human factors engineering. Engineers and designers without knowledge and skills in human factors may be at a disadvantage when it comes to career growth. Trained professionals in HFE (or those with a HFE qualification) can become valuable assets to their organisations. Organisations may consider them for leadership positions or more satisfying projects as they bring specialised knowledge and skills to the table.

Keeping up with the latest advances and best practices can be a challenge without regular training and professional development opportunities. Experienced professionals face the particular challenge of needing to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, research, and best practices in the field. 

Human Factors Continuous Professional Development

Relevant and worthwhile continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities can also be difficult to find. This leaves experienced professionals frustrated and potentially limiting their career growth opportunities. 

Our advanced courses in Workload Assessment and Use-Related Risk Assessment are designed to meet the specific needs of established professionals, providing you with the in-depth resources and skills that are relevant to your work. 

You can continue your education and development without interrupting your work commitments since our courses are online and self-paced.

We enhance the learning experience by basing all of our courses around practical assignments and expert feedback. Most learning will come from the application of knowledge and techniques. We provide many opportunities for you to carry out practical exercises under guidance from experienced tutors.

Certification In Human Factors

Certification in human factors engineering is an important way for engineers and designers to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in the field

Upon successfully completing our courses, we will issue you a certificate that demonstrates your knowledge and skills in human factors engineering.

The course content covers the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) professional competencies. This shows that the courses are practical and aligned with good practice in HFE.